"Once people get hung up on theology, they've lost sanity forever. More people have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ than any other name in the history of the world." - Gore Vidal
What is Christianity? Well, for one thing it has been the bloodiest religion in all of human history. But what is it about this particular religion that has made it so bloody for so long? Allow me to briefly explain.
Most people throughout history have been able to sense that there is a Greater Reality beyond the physical world we perceive with our five senses. This Ultimate Reality can be experienced directly, at least in glimpses, through various techniques such as meditation. (Entheogens/psychedelics can also give you glimpses and direct experiences, and have been used in the religious practices of many cultures for just this purpose, but that's another topic for another post).
Most people throughout history have been able to sense that there is a Greater Reality beyond the physical world we perceive with our five senses. This Ultimate Reality can be experienced directly, at least in glimpses, through various techniques such as meditation. (Entheogens/psychedelics can also give you glimpses and direct experiences, and have been used in the religious practices of many cultures for just this purpose, but that's another topic for another post).
So it's possible to experience this Greater Reality directly, but it is indescribable. These experiences cannot be put into words that would be accurate or literally true. And so people have always spoken/written about them in metaphorical language, and invented gods which were always masks/personifications of this Ultimate Reality. Different cultures created different gods/metaphors, and the names of these gods were many, but they ALL referred to the same Greater Reality.
Anyway, all cultures recognized that all these gods were symbolic representations of this Greater Reality, until the ancient Hebrews came along with the incredibly foolish and narrow-minded idea that their god/metaphor was "real" and all other cultures' gods/metaphors were "false". This silly idea was later carried over into Christianity and Islam - both of which are rooted in Judaism.
So Christianity in its early centuries already had this same silly idea it inherited from Judaism, which led to all kinds of prejudices and delusions of self-righteousness. And when Christianity obtained political power in the Roman Empire during the 4th century, the results were disastrous for the human race.
Because Christianity was shackled to the foolish idea that it was the "true religion" and all others were false, it was a small step to believing all the others should be destroyed. So it went about destroying all other religions it could, including all the other forms of Christianity.
And thus, through a combination of an appalling ignorance of genuine spirituality and an enormous thirst for political power and wealth, it became a totalitarian religion, and thus began the long and bloody history of orthodox Christianity.
Acharya S, scholar of comparative religions and mythology, gives an outline of Christianity's bloody history on her website, listing events from the early centuries of Christianity right through modern times. I encourage you to look through the list, especially if you're not aware of just how widespread and barbaric Christianity's crimes against humanity are.
[Gore Vidal quote: source]
[Gore Vidal quote: source]
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