Thursday, July 4, 2013

Education system

Our "Education"/Indoctrination System

Here's some big education news: the education system (worldwide) is basically just an indoctrination system. I worked in the education system for 14 years and have come to the realization that it's merely a branch of society's overall attempt to keep people shackled to a particular worldview. 

Education system

"The only thing that gets in the way of my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein

Modern Western society has been largely successful in exporting its worldview to the rest of the globe. This worldview is based on the materialist view that the physical world is "real" and any other realities people may experience are "not real". This view has become so widely accepted that many people may find it surprising that it flies in the face of virtually every other idea about reality found in every other culture throughout human history.

Even in very religious cultures today, people tend to accept the Western view that the physical world is supremely important. They may give a lot of lip service to "spirituality", but if you look at their lives you can see they revolve around the material world. They've been fooled into the shallow belief that the latest technological gadgets are the most important and interesting thing going on.

Virtually everything in society propagates this worldview: religion, education, advertisements, government, television, movies, parents. A science teacher friend of mine calls it "brainwashing". Everything you're being told is just part of the brainwashing.

And so, believe what you're being told so you can find your role as part of the materialistic machinery. Go through the indoctrination system (which has now been reduced to little more than a job training service), get trained for a specific job, and go to work supporting the capitalist system. Become a mindless robot. A brick in the wall. And for god's sake, don't dare question any of this!

At least 95% of the important things I've learned in life I learned on my own, not in school. The top 150 most important books I've read I read on my own, not in school.

When I worked in the education system I came to see that most of the people working in that system had  incredibly boring lives. For many of them, their job was their whole life. They had nothing else on their plate. My god, that is the saddest thing. These people are so caught up in a phony, make-believe world that they don't even know what life is. I doubt they've ever known or experienced anything more.

In the West, even what passes for religion/spirituality is mostly just a concrete-literal view on a very low level. Shallow spirituality to say the least. Christian literalism has always been like this.

The education system gives a lot of lip service to "critical-thinking", but it's basically a sham. They don't mind you doing a little critical thinking - but only within the box! Don't dare think outside the box. They don't really want people thinking outside the box, because then they'd realize what was actually going on. The whole thing is a facade.

The way to escape from this is to somehow remove yourself from the situation and look at it from an outside/detached perspective. Any kind of spiritual/mystical experience will do this. Moving to another part of the world will help you to see how narrow your own culture's views are. Or just do some genuine critical thinking about it all.

In any case, wake up people! You're being fooled.

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